The Story of Nine Star





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Nine Star Is
Nick Martino- Vocals
Jeff Salkowski- Guitar & Vocals
Kyle McCloskey- Guitar & Vocals
Brian Ferry- Bass Guitar
Kevin Ferry- Drums


Nine Star started as something nobody would think, would work. With more bands then your average school, OVMS was a gold mine for bands. There were the bands that practiced almost everyday, played tons of gigs, had the best equitment and connections. Then there is the bands, that say they are a band, but in reality have had no practices and everyone in that band has no clue on how to play their instrament. And that's what OVMS is like, a bunch of kids who listen to rap all day long, and then go to parties and pretend to love the band playing there. Not much fun, for the kids, who hate rap. When they go to the parties, and have to listen to rap the whole time, it can get very annoying, but they are the only ones who get respect when the bands come to play.

Kyle McCloskey is one of those kids. He had just started playing guitar for about a month and he wanted to start a band like some of his other friends had. But he wasn't dumb. He knew that the other bands would harass him if he started a new band and there were already other bands playing 3 or more songs. So Kyle wanted to keep his band a secret until they were good enough. It was a good plan, that never worked out.

When Kyle came to school one day, with a binder with "Nine Star" on the cover nobody was sure what it was. It was, the binder that would start the band and only Kyle knew it. He first asked Drew Johnson to be the singer, and Drew quickly said yes. When Kyle got to home room, he asked Jeff if he could sing, because Kyle wanted to see all his possiblities. Jeff said, he could sing, but not good enough to be the lead singer. Then he asked Kyle if he wanted to guitars, and Kyle said yes, and Jeff said he could play good. Kyle at the time wasn't that good, so he let Jeff be lead guitar. Kyle later asked Brian Ferry and his brother, Kevin, if they wanted to play bass and drums, and they both said yes. The band was formed, and would have their first practice that Friday.

But before practice, Jeff told Kyle he didn't want a lead singer, and he said Him and Kyle could just switch off. Kyle agreed and Drew was out of the band. The first practice went well, and then the band started having practices every other day. Nothing much happened, until the band agreed they needed a singer. They held a tryout and Nick Martino made it. He was eventually kicked out because he never came to practice.

This is where the band stays today.